events in new albany ohio

Davide Cuccia

Author to Speak

Passionate illustrator, Author, Designer, Animal Rights Advocate. Have you ever wondered how difficult it might be to have your story turned into a book and published? And how do you go about marketing your book when it’s finished? Thursday, November 7, 2019, I’m going to be the featured speaker for the New Albany-Plain Township Historical…

new albany, ohio fire dept

New Albany’s Best

New Albany Firefighter Firefighter Bob Westbrook will be the New Albany-Plain Township Historical Society’s guest speaker this Thursday evening at Wesley Woods 4588 Wesley Woods Blvd, New Albany. The funny yet serious look at being a volunteer firefighter will be a part of our 7.00 meeting. Bob was a volunteer firefighter with Plain Township starting…

The 75th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6 1944-2019

The 75th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6 1944-2019 On June 6, the Historical Society hosted a D-Day 75th Anniversary event at the New Albany United Methodist Church. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Monica Morgan for procuring the church including the rental fees; Helen Pestel for letting us in early and hurriedly helping to…

Founders Day 2018

New Albany in the 1860s The Ealy House was a very exciting place to be on May 19th as the New Albany-Plain Township Historical Society launched a new event – Living History: New Albany in the 1860s.  For the most part, the rain held off, the sun came out, and it was a beautiful day.…