Preserving local history

Preserving Local History

Preserving Photographs Preserving photographs is an important part of our mission to document local history. Photos help us to remember the people who built and lived in our community. In an ongoing effort, our volunteers scan donated photos and store the originals in archival packaging to preserve them for future generations. Our collection to date…


The Early Years

New Albany & Plain Township: The Early Years A presentation by Dennis Keesee at the November 18, 2021 meeting of the New Albany-Plain Township historical society. This hour-long presentation covers the original surveying of Plain Township, the founding of New Albany, the Hope Post Office, New Albany’s role in the American Civil War, local landmarks, historic photos,…


Don Ranney Interview

DON RANNEY INTERVIEW 2020 On October 23, 2020, I asked Don Ranney to join me at Eagle Pizza for a photo shoot in front of the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII commemorative mural I had placed on the side of our building. The Peace at Last Mural was featured on the front cover…


Heck of a Ride

Heck of a Ride We as a nation have been on one heck of a ride this year. Major historical events are happening so fast no one can keep up mentally. When looking back in time, however, we easily see that all these experiences in 2020 are nothing new. During the winter of 1894-95, when another pandemic swept…


Davide Cuccia

Author to Speak

Passionate illustrator, Author, Designer, Animal Rights Advocate. Have you ever wondered how difficult it might be to have your story turned into a book and published? And how do you go about marketing your book when it’s finished? Thursday, November 7, 2019, I’m going to be the featured speaker for the New Albany-Plain Township Historical…


new albany, ohio fire dept

New Albany’s Best

New Albany Firefighter Firefighter Bob Westbrook will be the New Albany-Plain Township Historical Society’s guest speaker this Thursday evening at Wesley Woods 4588 Wesley Woods Blvd, New Albany. The funny yet serious look at being a volunteer firefighter will be a part of our 7.00 meeting. Bob was a volunteer firefighter with Plain Township starting…


Society Activities Spring 2019

The Historical Society has been very busy the last few months and hopefully our doings have impacted the community and brought attention in a positive way. At our April 4th meeting, we shared a 2016 video created by Mark Easton with Dennis Keesee detailing the military career of Pearl Harbor survivor Milton Mapou, who passed…


Archaeological Finds

Archaeological Finds This spring Danny Dean, son of Robert and Debbie Dean, brought his metal detector to the Ealy House and scanned the grounds surrounding the house. He found three interesting items that we can now add to the Ealy House collection and which tell us a little more about the Dorans who lived in…


The 75th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6 1944-2019

The 75th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6 1944-2019 On June 6, the Historical Society hosted a D-Day 75th Anniversary event at the New Albany United Methodist Church. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Monica Morgan for procuring the church including the rental fees; Helen Pestel for letting us in early and hurriedly helping to…




“FINDING SCONIERS” Wins Documentary Competition   The New Albany-Plain Township Historical Society has shared the journey of member Pamela Whitelock as she worked with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) for ten years to recover her uncle, Lt. Ewart T. Sconiers. Sconiers was a WWII B-17 bombardier who earned the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism…




New Albany Cemetery Restoration Almost Complete Under the supervision of its Cemetery Restoration Advisory Board, the City of New Albany has almost completed restoration of the New Albany Cemetery (1854-1881). Located behind Village Hall, the cemetery is the burial place of Noble Landon and William Yantis, the Founders of New Albany, and their families, as…


One Room Schoolhouses

ONE-ROOM SCHOOLHOUSES OF NEW ALBANY . presented by Richard Whitelock on March 7, 2019 DAYS GONE BY As our nation expanded and grew in population, so did our educational system in the U.S. Here in Plain Township, the first school was built in 1820. The first teacher, Jacob Smith, taught the students for $1.50 each,…


Founders Day 2018

New Albany in the 1860s The Ealy House was a very exciting place to be on May 19th as the New Albany-Plain Township Historical Society launched a new event – Living History: New Albany in the 1860s.  For the most part, the rain held off, the sun came out, and it was a beautiful day.…
